CoinTradeInvest is a UK registered legal international investment company. The company was created by a group of qualified experts, professional bankers, traders and analysts who specialized in the stock, bond, futures, currencies, forex and binary trading and arbitrage. with having more than ten years of extensive practical experiences of combined personal skills, knowledge, talents and collective ambitions for success. We provide a great entry point and opportunity for every one to secure a stake in crypto currency industry. We are committed to making sure you achieve your investment goals with full trading platforms and affiliate system at your disposal. Our activities are regulated by the United Kingdom international business authorities and complies with the United Kingdom legislation. Until recently, this platform has been working mostly offline on the United Kingdom markets. In response to numerous requests of our clients we decided to move our business strategy to the next level by making it online for giving the ability to the international clients to use our services. The reliable image of the trademark and reputation for using unique investment solutions with exceptional outcomes has been the cornerstone of our success.
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